1 min read

what we don't see

what we don't see
Photo by Annie Spratt / Unsplash

life is hard when you think it should be perfect

or hope that it will be

how did we ever come to think that is even a life we would want?

we would reject it. Go Neo

natural imperfection is perfection

we are not a state of being

we are a state of process

we are not napkins to never be stained

or a sunset uninterrupted

we have both order and chaos in us

and that is why we can create

without it we would never know how

we would never be driven to fight to put things "in place"

to create balance

in our American world especially, perhaps

everything is so glossy and commercial

selling us constantly on the idea of perfection looking a certain way

which is, to be free of error

what if that is wrong?

and only feels right because millions has been spent on advertising it

but what if this vision of perfection, and the culture that has grown around it, is the very epitome of wrong

leaving generations of kids thinking they are not good enough

when what perfection really is

is a process

a state of growth

a state of learning

not a state we ever arrive at

perhaps that

would work better